CMU 15122:Transitioning to C
Graph Representation
Graph Interface
Graph是Undirected的(15122定义),也就是说对于vertex A和B,BA和AB是一条edge。我们将graph表示成一个data structure,其中vertex定义为无符号整数。那么一个基本的graph interface可以如下所示:
123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536typedef unsigned int vertex;typedef struct graph_header *graph_t;graph_t graph_new(unsigned int numvert);//@ensures \result != NULL;void graph_free(graph_t G);//@requires G != NULL;unsigned int graph_size(graph_t G);//@requires G != NULL;bool graph_hasedge(graph_t G, ...
CMU 15122:Data Structures
Structure of a library:
Example of Self-Sorting Arrays, SSA
CMU 21127:Summary Sheet of Strategy in Chapter 3-6
Strategy 3.1.5 (Proving two functions are equal)
Given functions f,g:X→Yf, g: X \to Yf,g:X→Y with the same domain and codomain, in order to prove that f=gf=gf=g, it suffices to prove that f(x)=g(x)f(x)=g(x)f(x)=g(x) for all x∈Xx \in Xx∈X.
Strategy 3.1.27 (Proving set identities using characteristic functions)
In order to prove that two subsets U and V of a set X are eq ual, it suffices to prove that χU=χV\chi_{U} = \chi_{V}χU=χV.
Strategy 3.2.2 (Proving a function is injective)
In ord ...
CMU 21127:Summary Sheet of Strategy in Chapter 1-2
Strategy 1.1.7 (Proving conjunctions)
A proof of the proposition p∧qp \wedge qp∧q can be obtained by tying together two proofs, one being a proof that p is true and one being a proof that q is true.
Strategy 1.1.9 (Assuming conjunctions)
If an assumption in a proof has the form p∧qp \wedge qp∧q, then we may assume p and assume q in the proof.
Strategy 1.1.13 (Proving disjunctions)
In order to prove a proposition of the form p∨qp \vee qp∨q, it suffices to prove just one of p or q.
Strateg ...
CMU 21127:Summary Sheet of Definitions & Theorems
Propositional Logic
Definition 0.1: Proposition is a statement to which it is possible to assign a truth value.
A proposition is an umbrella term which can be used for any result.
A theorem is a key result which is particularly important.
A lemma is a result which is proved for the purpose of being used in the proof of a theorem.
A corollary is a result which follows from a theorem without much additional effort.
Sets and Numbers
Definition 0.3: A set is a collection of objects. The objects i ...
CMU 15122:Deliberate Programming
本篇总结CMU 15122第一单元Deliberate Programming的全部内容(除了Contracts部分)。这门课的整体脉络还是较为清晰的,虽然大部分东西并不陌生,但从safety和correctness的角度重新审视一遍也是不错的。
Two’s Complement
Two’s Complement是C0中表示数字的一种方法。C0中的整数一共占据32个比特位,其中最高的比特位是该比特位代表的负的2的31次方,也就是说,C0中的最大正整数可以用0x7FFFFFFF表示,正数的范围是0x00000000-0x7FFFFFFF(0 231−10~2^{31}-10 231−1)。当最大正整数int_max()再继续做加法的时候整数就会溢出到负数的范围内,也就是0x80000000-0xFFFFFFFF。其中0x80000000是int_min(),其顺序与正数表示相反。由此,c0能够表示的整个整数范围是[−231,231)[-2^{31}, 2^{31})[−231,231)。
对于int的操作类型有:Addition, mult ...
CMU 15122: Contracts
1234- //@requires exp; checked before function execution- //@ensures exp; checked function returns- //@assert exp; checked wherever it is- //@loop_invariant exp; checked before the loop guard
Pr ...
我是极厌恶自己的,并且平等地厌恶精神与肉体。不断站在本体的对立面,带着嘲弄地进行自我否定。是将灵魂分割成两半,一半留在躯体内敏感地捕捉着毛细血管的舒张所产生的微妙情绪,另一半却站在精神的彼岸冷眼相待,分析并时刻警惕着自己体内的那一半灵魂因天性的敏感而极易产生的得胜感。认定着这种肉体所产生的灵魂即是自身的首要敌人,且其间具有不可调和的矛盾。一者穷其一生追求纯粹的、甚至不可能的美与崇高,一者则用异常理性的眼光洞察自身,一针见血地否定前者的美。肉体所诞生的灵魂无 ...
IB Computer Science topic 6: Resource Management
6.1.1 Critical Sources
System sources include computer harware, software, trained personnel and suppotring infrastructure. And Operating System is usually responsible for the resources management.
Primary memory
stores all processed data and instructions and all resulting data.
It is directly connected to the processor and feed the processor with required data during the Machine Instruction Cycle.
RAM and Cache memory
RAM can be overwritten. And there are two types of RAM: static RAM and dyna ...
IB Environmental Systems and Societies 1.1-1.3 Summary
Environmental History
Significant historical influences on the development of the environmental movement have come from literature, the media, major environmental disasters, international agreements and technological developments. (a minimum of 3 in-depth examples).
Montreal Protocol: The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer is the landmark multilateral environmental agreement that regulates the production and consumption of nearly 100 m ...